Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

ICT Advanced Training of University Teachers

Hi y'all! How are you doing? I hope y'all doing good. Well in this post I'm going to  tell you about the assignment I received from our lecturer, the lecturer from ICT II. Well, a week ago, our lecturer gave us assignment to make a summary from an article with the tittle " ICT Advanced Training of University Teachers". We were asked to make the summary in the form of Power Point Presentation.  So I will only tell a little about the contents of the article, because later you can see the contents more fully in the power point that I will attach at the end of this post. Well, the point of this article is regarding increasing the use of ICT in education, to help students and teachers in learning activities, how the implementation and utilization of ICT can affect the ranking of a university, and many more. For deeper you can see it in the next power point.

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